Digital Citizenship Lesson for 6th Graders
Who here has a laptop? An Ipad? A Smartphone? A desktop computer?
Wow! It looks like just about everyone here has access to one device or another. Now, remember when you were first learning how to use all these cool new devices? There were probably a few things that took you a while to figure out. Well. now that you know how to work all the buttons, let's go over a few more things you should know.
~Overall Objective~
After this lesson I want you to be able to introduce technology into your learning more than ever before. You will be required to use research as you continue through school and in future jobs so we will go over which resources to trust and how to use that information. We will also cover how to properly behave with your peers online. All of this information will become useful to you in upcoming projects.
Let's start by watching this rad video about ISTE: Super Cool Video About ISTE Student Standards
The ISTE is the International Society for Technology in Education. With technology growing every day you student's need to be prepared to use all of these tools to further your education and correctly use your digital skills in class.
~Class Reading and Discussion~
Each of you read this article and then discuss with your neighbors for 5 minutes.
Now let's all do some brainstorming by sharing our ideas out loud:
Wow! It looks like just about everyone here has access to one device or another. Now, remember when you were first learning how to use all these cool new devices? There were probably a few things that took you a while to figure out. Well. now that you know how to work all the buttons, let's go over a few more things you should know.
~Overall Objective~
After this lesson I want you to be able to introduce technology into your learning more than ever before. You will be required to use research as you continue through school and in future jobs so we will go over which resources to trust and how to use that information. We will also cover how to properly behave with your peers online. All of this information will become useful to you in upcoming projects.
Let's start by watching this rad video about ISTE: Super Cool Video About ISTE Student Standards
The ISTE is the International Society for Technology in Education. With technology growing every day you student's need to be prepared to use all of these tools to further your education and correctly use your digital skills in class.
~Class Reading and Discussion~
Each of you read this article and then discuss with your neighbors for 5 minutes.
Now let's all do some brainstorming by sharing our ideas out loud:
- What does it mean to be an Empowered Learner?
- What are examples of being a good digital citizen?
- What are good research websites? What are bad ones?
- What does it mean to be an "Innovative Designer"? Examples?
- What are tools you use to be a Computational Thinker?
- What are creative ways to communicate information for projects?
- How can you be a global collaborator?
Now let us talk about how to be a good digital citizen!!!!
A fun way that I chose to present this information to you was to use Glogster
Here is my creative Digital Citizenship Glogster
(Keep Glogster in mind for future presentations/projects)
The information I used was gathered from
--Notice the ".org". Would that show this is a trusted website??
Now that we have done a review on digital citizenship let's do a practice quiz: Kahoot Quiz
***Top Score gets a prize***
~Follow Up Activity~
Time to use what you have learned with a project.
I want you to get with a partner and pick a chapter from the book you want to review for the class. You must get chapter approval from me first.
- Share main ideas and facts from the chapter
- Your presentations must be 10 minutes long and e presented in a digital way (online presentation app, youtube video, etc) Get creative.
- You will also be turning in a "self-review". This is where you will tell me what aspects of the ISTE standards and digital citizenship you used while making this project.
- Along with the textbook, you will need at least 2 web-based resources. Make sure they are ones you can trust and that you are using that information correctly.
- I will hand out a rubric when you get chapter approval
Further information for teachers:
With this lesson plan, we are using technology to coincide with the CCSS.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.1-6.6 (Comprehension & Collaboration with the reading materials and discussion questions and Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas with the follow-up assignment).
I tried to implement many aspects of the ISTE student standards. I focused on Knowledge Constructor ("Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits") when planning the follow-up assignment. I think this is an important start to giving students confidence in creating presentations. A skill that will be required more in upcoming school years and careers.
Hi Ally. I really enjoyed your opener where you ask students if they use technology because it allows us to acknowledge how frequent we use it and how careful we need to be online. I also really enjoyed how you would have the students each pick a chapter from the lesson and go over it in their own words.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great lesson! Just from reading it I can sense a fun atmosphere that is engaging for the students and educational. I like that the students have the opportunity to interact with each other but also have the ability to work on their own. Giving them the option to choose for their presentation is a great way to let the students take responsibility for their learning and makes it more fun for them because they have a choice.